1. Types of manuscript and authorship

The Journal of the British Society of Special Care Dentistry is the official journal of the British Society of Special Care Dentistry. The Journal of the British Society of Special Care Dentistry (JBSSCD) is published three times a year and has international scope with comprehensive coverage of disability and oral health in the wider context of dentistry. The Journal is available online at: 

2. Submission instructions

Your manuscript should be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. attaching the following documents (failure to do so may significantly delay the review process of your manuscript):

3. Style of manuscripts

Use a clear and concise writing style and avoid jargon or long, complicated sentences that are hard to follow.

Voice: Avoid the passive voice when the active voice may be more appropriate, for example use ‘The authors chose to examine patients because…’ rather than ‘Patients were chosen to be examined by the authors because...’.

Language: Use UK English spelling e.g. ‘ise’ not ‘ize’.

4. Structure of manuscripts

5. Review process

6. Additional Points

7. Ethical Guidelines

The Journal of the British Society of Special Care Dentistry adheres to the following ethical guidelines for publication and research and manuscripts will only be considered for publication if they meet the highest ethical standards. Authors must read and adhere to the following: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE Recommendations). The ICMJE Recommendations may be found at:

8. Ethical approvals