Executive Committee Members

Sobia Rafique


Consultant in Special Care Dentistry

Kings College Hospital



Andrew Kwasnicki


Consultant in Special Care Dentistry



Charlotte Curl

Past President

Consultant in Special Care Dentistry

Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


Helen Patterson


Consultant in Special Care Dentistry

Greater Glasgow and Clyde


Sarah Buckingham

Honorary Treasurer & ACCD Representative

Specialist in Special Care Dentistry, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

Consultant in Special Care Dentistry, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 


Rebecca Willis

Honorary Secretary

Consultant in Special Care Dentistry 


Prof. Tim Newton

Journal Editor

Professor of Psychology as Applied to Dentistry

Honorary Consultant Health Psychologist


Pavni Lakhani

Lead Communications Officer



Deborah Gray

Assistant Honorary Secretary 

StR Special Care Dentistry 

Sheffield Teaching Hospital

Andrew Geddis-Regan

Research/Academia Representative

IADH Representative

Special Care Dentistry

Nicholas Beacher

Teaching and Learning Representative 


Gillian Howie

Committee Member

Prizes Co-ordinator


Sophie Bryant

SCD StR Representative 

StR Special Care Dentistry


Emma O'Donnell

Trainee representative
Teaching and Learning Group


Suzanne Burke

Committee Member 

SAC Representative

Consultant in Special Care Dentistry


Tai Oyegunle

Committee Member

DCP representative


Sarah Bux

Committee Member 



Ayman Dhanji 

Committee Member 

Deputy Communications Officer



Caroline Frolander

Committee Member

Consultant in Special Care Dentistry

Solent NHS Trust


Panna Shah

Committee Member 

Consultant in Special Care Dentistry



Graham Walton

Committee Member

Consultant in Special Care Dentistry

Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


Rebecca Iles

BSSSCD representative on the
SAB for SCD RCS Edinburgh


The UK members of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Disability and Oral Health are also circulated with papers relating to BSSCD matters.

Please click here for the members of the Editorial Board.

Updated 05.12.2023 FT